söndag 30 september 2007
lördag 29 september 2007
Mary-Kate och Ashley med deras hundar
Mary-Kate om sin Chanel väska (gammalt)

I have a large, red quilted Chanel bag that I borrowed from my sister Ashley. I wore it to an event and never gave it back. Luckily, she's moved on to another bag, so I'm safe for now. I'm not quite sure how many bags I have, but let's just say I have a few.
When I find a bag I like, I tend to wear it to death until I become obsessed with another one. This probably happens three to five times a year. But I always come back to the Chanel. The size isn't overwhelming, and it has enough subtle detail to keep it interesting.
I also have the smaller version in blue and in white, but the red is definitely my favorite. I don't have a stylist ? I'd rather just do my own thing and put together my own outfits. The chain-handle bag is the perfect accent to almost any combination I come up with. I look at everything with a designer's eye, but I wouldn't change a thing about this bag.
I think that's why it's a true classic.
Det här skrev Mary-Kate i New York Times i frebruari tror jag, så det är ingen ny text. När hon skrev detta var den röda Chanel väskan, som hon har på bilden, hennes favorit. Nu skulle jag gissa att den här är hennes favorit..
En annan kändis som också gillade den röda Chanelväska är Nicole Richie.
Mary-Kate och Ashley´s Oktober Hip Picks
fredag 28 september 2007
torsdag 27 september 2007
Song of the week
onsdag 26 september 2007
Mary-Kate i Weeds, avsnitt 7
Mary-Kate var inte med så mycket i det här avsnittet, men här är den delen där hon var med. :)
tisdag 25 september 2007
Elizabeth & James

Ashley uppskattar fans

Janet skriver:
"Ashley Olsen popped into Moe’s flowers on Melrose Avenue, wearing a cashmere sweater with a marijuana plant on the back and tight jeans.
She told the clerk she needed fifteen centerpieces - flower arrangements for a shower she was having for a friend at Chateau Marmont.
She selected the flowers and was signing the charge slip when a cab slammed on the brakes outside the shop and three people jumped out.
“It’s HER!” they squealed. The clerk looked worried when the tourists begged Ashley for a photo, but, according to our source, “she was very normal - sweet and obliging.”
She said “Sure!”
The fans went away happy and Ashley hopped into her black Mercedes SUV with tinted windows, and took off."
Kul att hon inte är "arg" på sina fans. Jag förstår att hon blir sur på alla paparazzis!
Annat: Dagens låt
Coldplay - The Scientist
Jag har alltid gillat Coldplay och det här är en fin låt :)
måndag 24 september 2007
Dagens bild
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