Dualstar Entertainment Groups CEO, Diane Reichenberger, har besökt Harvard Business School. Där har hon pratat om "celebrity branding and marketing" (vet inte riktigt hur jag ska översätta.. och för er som inte visste är Dualstar namnet på Mary-Kate och Ashleys företag.)
Här är några av höjdpunkterna..
On Identity: In the past, Ashley Olsen and Mary-Kate Olsen struggled to maintain their brand identity. With the help of Reichenberger, they expelled categories in their product line (e.g. toothpaste) that did not fit into the image they wished to present. They are both well-respected fashion icons in the celebrity world.
On Sensitivity: The Olsen twins are blessed to have Reichenberger as their CEO. She truly cares for the reputation and security and safety of the Olsen twins and their family. She also understands that she is working with a company where the average age is twenty-six years - an age where one thinks s/he knows everything about the world. This has only taught her to conduct business intuitively and to always present many options to the company.
On Celebrity: In the USA, celebrity is taking on a creepy addiction. According to Reichenberger, celebrity branding has swept the county. For example, Sheryl Crow will be launching her own denim line. Other examples of celebrities who have launched their own lines include Hilary Duff, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears, and Shania Twain.
On Security: Celebrity branding is an extremely complicated business includes the following three elements: the legal, the PR, and the security elements. The Security Company within Dualstar deals with paparazzi-reporting, fan mail, threats, security of the stars, and security of the family of the stars.
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Jag vet inte om någon är intreserad av det här, men jag tänkte att om någon är det kan jag ju posta det. Jag själv har inte läst allt och orkar inte heller :P Det har i alla fall med Mary-Kate och Ashleys företag att göra..
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