"How weird is it that I’m writing this letter to you? You’re Michelle-f***ing-Tanner fer chrissakes, and back in the ’90s I totally had a thing for your sister Stephanie. Alas, I was an avid Full House fan and that’s something that any woman daft enough to invest a hint of emotional effort into me is going to have to deal with. With this absurd fascination with Full House comes: my rage issues, kinky behaviour involving lederhosen, I’m a werewolf, a total lack of concern for the future and a painfully small penis. You better believe I am one hell of a catch.
You’ve been in the newest season of Weeds, which happens to be my favourite TV show currently on the air. I must say you’re a little bit too comfortable or too good at playing a total stoner, but the character is totally someone I dig and maybe even come to love (even if you’re a stoner that’s seriously into Jesus). The role looks good on ya, sport. But I have to ask: Michelle Tanner, do you like to get stoned?
I think you do because, let’s face it, you have no reason not to. You’re 21 and worth a billion f***ing dollars. Put me in your shoes and I’d gallivant around the world drinking Starbucks and wearing a bed sheet for clothes just like you."
Om ni vill läsa resten av det här brevet, tryck här.
Vad tycker ni? Haha, han värkar vara lite speciell tycker jag men det är ju samtidigt kul med beundrare. Det kanske var lite väl överdrivet att publicera brevet i en tidning..
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